Adequate oil production is essential for a healthy tear film. We also need to limit the amount of bacterial interference on the lid and secondary contamination of the tear film. NuLids is an at home device with a small, safe disposable tip that oscillates 15 degrees in each direction. It is used daily to massage across each lid for 15 seconds.

This treatment

1 Exfoliates and removes the bacterial biofilm that collects on the lid margin and ends up clogging glands or migrating into the tear film to create toxicity for the ocular surface.

2 Massages oil glands to promote the movement of oil into the tear film and reduce clogged glands. This is most effective when used immediately following a warm compress

3 Stimulates blood and fluid circulation along the lid margin to help thin inflamed eyelids and mitigate the accumulation of fluid “bags” under the eye.

Patients typically enjoy doing this at home treatment and report a noticeable improvement within a month, and some as quickly as 10 days.