IPL treats INFLAMMATORY Dry Eye. Ultimately, all dry eye is inflammatory in nature. However, some people have more significant inflammation that drives the dry eye and is not quieted with typical dry eye treatments.

Many patients have Ocular Rosacea driving their inflammatory issues. Some can even see their thickened, pink lid margins in the mirror without magnification. You do not have to have facial rosacea to have ocular rosacea.

Performing IPL is much like treating the tree trunk instead of just the branches. It helps limit the inflammation driving the ocular symptoms, instead of just trying to keep up after the inflammation has occurred.


Inflammatory cells replicate very quickly, making it difficult to get under control. Many treatments are better at preventing inflammation than stopping current inflammation. IPL is excellent at both.

  1. Destroys abnormal blood vessels, removing a major source of inflammation to the eyelids
  2. Temporarily increases the temperature at the eyelids and liquefies the meibum
  3. Reduces rosacea and turns over dead skin cells, thereby decreasing the risk of clogged glands
  4. Eradicates Demodex mites and reduces the bacterial load
  5. Photo-modulation



While no one treatment can do it all, there is none more effective than simultaneous IPL plus Radiofrequency. There is a tremendous amount of physician skill required to perform IPL to the upper eyelids and maximize the benefits of IPL to both the eyes and face. We have been performing IPL since early 2018, thus mastering our technique through time and experience. At this point, Dr. Brimer has performed thousands of procedures and our results are nothing short of astounding! Not only has Dr. Brimer performed IPL longer than anyone in the area, but our device has a unique and highly advanced delivery system. We have the only MDelite iProX in the area, delivering simultaneous IPL energy and Radiofrequency in the same pulse.
It is called the great STABILIZER because it is incredible at stabilizing ocular surface signs and symptoms. The IPL+RF continues to work over time, so when patients return for their 6 month follow up, they often feel better and are doing less work than when they were last seen. What a remarkable statement!


The IPL +RF protocol includes 4 treatments performed 2 to 4 weeks apart. To maintain the beneficial effect, it is important to have a single “booster” treatment every 6 to 8 months.
Thin laser grade shields will be inserted under the eyelids to protect the eyes during the procedure. Please arrive without products or make up on your face. Your face will be cleansed and ultrasound coupling gel applied. This keeps the skin cool and helps the light transmit better.
The light is administered in very quick pulses. The traditional IPL used by others is considered painful, similar to being snapped with a hot rubber band, and the face can become quite red during the treatment. With the iProX, there is no pain or flushing. Most patients look better immediately after the treatment, and the cosmetic benefit continues to develop for weeks afterwards.