Allergy testing

We offer diagnostic allergy skin testing of 78 of the most common environmental/airborne allergens, along with select animals and foods, without the use of needles or blood samples. This allows us to rule in or rule out allergies as the cause of the ocular symptoms. Once the allergens are determined, it enables us to offer a non-drying alternative to oral antihistamines, such as sublingual immunotherapy to build your natural tolerance. If your reaction is to an isolated allergen, we can share avoidance measures that can be very effective.

You will need to discontinue certain medications that will interfere with validity of the test. This list is provided below. Additionally, the test contains a positive and negative control to prove the reliability of the testing. Once the allergens are introduced via small plastic applicators, a positive reaction is visible within 10 minutes. A positive reaction is typically characterized by a red, itchy welt that subsides quickly with hydrocortisone cream.